Monday, January 31, 2011

A-Z's About Me

Some of you who read this might not know that much about me... and though I am horrible at posting consistently, I am going to try to work on it!! I have so many deep issues on my mind, but today is an off day. So I decided to spin off the A-Z About Me idea that many bloggers have adopted. Here it goes...

ANIMALS are my passion. I have a very soft place in my heart for them and plan spend my life caring for them. I believe that they have a soul and are often better friends to us than our fellow human beings.

My BIRTHDAY is my favorite day of the year. It makes me feel appreciated and loved. So come March 27th.........

COOKING is not my forte. I am awful at it (though I am trying to learn!) and have a reputation for burning, setting fire to, and all-together ruining food. (Today pot-stickers were my victim...)

DENTISTS are not my favorite... I HATE going and will often come up with a million excuses for why I can't go. (I have good reason to repel them... my wisdom teeth extraction experience and my root canal experience were horrifying. Let's just say it is a good thing they use those bite-blockers otherwise he might have been missing a few fingers).

Waking up EARLY is not something that I enjoy... I will often sleep in until 1, 2, sometimes 3 PM if I have no where to be. I love sleeping in and am definitely a night owl by all means.

FIBROMYALGIA is a disease that I was diagnosed with in November of 2009. It is a nerve disorder that triggers pain and nausea. (Here is a link with more info...) Dealing with this illness has brought about a major lifestyle change that I have been struggling to adapt to and accept.

I like being the GIVER rather than the taker. I LOVE giving presents and making people happy. I love spoiling the people I care about. =)

HAPPILY EVER AFTER is a love story that I am waiting to fulfill! I can't wait to fall in love, get married, and have a family. (See "P" for patience...)

ICE CREAM is one of my favorite foods. I LOVE it! (Especially Cold Stone's Birthday Cake Remix... mmmm delish!)

JESUS is my Lord. He is my number one constant and I am continually learning and growing in Him. He stretches me to my limits (and sometimes past what I think my limits are) and challenges me consistently. Throughout my life I have has many ups and downs and what I have realized is that whenever I feel myself drifting from Him, He has never left my side... I just left His.

I want 2 to 3 KIDS (someday) and I already have their names picked out.

LISTS are a favorite of mine. I love making them almost as much as I love crossing things off them.

MOVIES are one of my two addictions... I own over 400 DVDs (and counting) and TONS of TV series. (Sweatshirts are the other addiction... I own SO many and yet I keep buying more!)

NAIL BITING is a dirty habit of mine. Before I discovered the wonders of gel nails I
would incessantly bite all of my nails until they would bleed. Gross, I know. It has now been three years that I have had gel nails on and it has helped me tremendously with the biting habit... well, I still bite but minimal damage ensues.

I am a little bit OCD. I keep my movies in alphabetical order. When I get gas, the total has to read something like $54.50, $42.22, $58.10, or something like that. And I absolutely cannot fall asleep if any clothes are sticking out of my drawers or closet... everything must be shut!

PATIENCE is a life lesson that I am learning right now. It isn't a fun one to learn, but one that is definitely necessary for me as I am probably one of the most impatient people on the planet.

QUIET is something that I am NOT. I am often told that I talk too loudly and too often. I also tend to repeat myself a lot (something that I am working on).

RISK-TAKING is something that I am good at. I love challenging myself and trying new things. I love adventure and seeking thrill! (A few things on my to-do list...

SOFTBALL was a huge part of my life. I played from the age of 7 all the way through college. I miss it terribly and wish that I were still able to play.

TUCKER is my kitten and my world. He is almost two years old (in April... oh. my. gosh.) and he is the other constant in my life. He is my best friend and he takes care of me more than I take care of him.

An UNUSUAL fact about me is that I don't like fruit. Don't get me wrong, I love the taste... it is the texture that I can't handle. (I've always been this way and so has my grandma. Don't ask me why because I couldn't tell you.)

Some VACATION spots I hope to hit are: Africa, Australia, and Europe.

WATER scares me a little... I am not the best swimmer and though I enjoy water sports (jet skiing and wake-boarding in particular) I have a fear of what lies beneath the surface... I try to keep my body out of the murky water as much as possible... you never know what's down there!!! (Tahoe is the one exception).

I have had many, many X-RAYS. Saying that I am accident prone is an understatement.

I YEARN to follow Jesus. I strive to live a life that is glorifying to Him and each day I try to make Him smile.

ZOOLOGY is my major... I plan to work with lions and tigers (and bears, oh my!) someday and I am mesmerized by wild animals (well, all animals, really..)

Hope this gives a better idea of who I am! I love learning random facts about people so I figured I would share a few of me. =)

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